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Rice is the world's leading food crop. To achieve high productivity, fertilizing rice is extremely necessary. So what is the technical process of fertilizing rice to get the best results? VNT Company helps farmers answer this question.

Bón phân cho lúa

Bón phân cho lúa

What types of fertilizers are needed to fertilize rice?

Rice plants need all three groups of macronutrients, medium and micronutrients, including macronutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

During the growth process, rice plants need nitrogen, especially in the seedling, tillering and panicle stages. Rice plants need a lot of phosphorus in the early growth stages (seedlings and tillering). As for potassium, rice plants need a lot in the seedling, panicle and flowering stages.

Although rice plants need smaller amounts of medium and micronutrients, they are essential for rice growth and development, especially Si, Ca, Mg, Bo, etc.

Some common types of fertilizers for rice on the market:

+) Nitrogen fertilizers: Ammonium nitrogen fertilizer, nitrate nitrogen fertilizer and urea. Urea nitrogen fertilizer has a high nitrogen content and is suitable for fertilizing degraded and infertile rice soil, so it is very popular. Nitrate fertilizer is often used as top dressing during the heading period, suitable for fertilizing on acidic, saline soil

+) Phosphate fertilizer: Superphosphate fertilizer is a popular fertilizer in Vietnam

+) Potassium fertilizer: KCl fertilizer is always trusted by farmers.

A small note if growing rice in an area with acidic soil, you can spread lime, or use Potassium Carbonate fertilizer to reduce the acidity of the soil and then apply the appropriate amount of fertilizer

Technical process of fertilizing rice in each stage

Fertilizing rice is divided into many stages. Each stage of fertilizing is suitable for the crop, rice variety and soil. The process of fertilizing rice is usually applied with manure during soil preparation and phosphate, nitrogen and potassium fertilizers before the final plowing.

Stage 1: Basal fertilization

Before fertilizing, manure should be added when harrowing the soil for the last time. This helps the soil to be fertile, which is very good for crops.

In the early growth stage, rice plants will absorb a lot of phosphate fertilizer. Therefore, phosphate fertilizer needs to be applied as a whole base fertilizer or as a base fertilizer and early top dressing. It should be spread evenly on the field before sowing. In addition, we should apply nitrogen and potassium fertilizers.

For short-term rice varieties, rice varieties with many tillers, rice with iron poisoning, or heavy rain, flooding, cold weather, when applying base fertilizer, it is necessary to apply a lot of potassium fertilizer.

If planting rice with old seedlings, short-term rice varieties, it is necessary to apply about 1/3 to 2/3 of the amount of nitrogen as base fertilizer for the plants.

Bón phân cho lúa ở giai đoạn bón lót

Fertilizing rice in the basal fertilization stage

Stage 2: Top dressing for tillering

This is the fertilization stage when the rice has 2.3 - 3 leaves (about 15 to 20 days after transplanting) to help the seedlings grow quickly and tiller early.

In this stage, we should combine nitrogen fertilizer with phosphate fertilizer. For alum soil or soil that is too acidic, top dressing with phosphorus for rice is very necessary. This is to reduce the alum and toxins in the soil, providing additional nutrients for the rice. When fertilizing, it is important to use granular phosphate to avoid sticking and burning the leaves.

This is the time when the plant's need for nitrogen fertilizer increases significantly. Fertilizing with nitrogen will help the plant tiller faster. In the following cases: long-term planting, short-term rice varieties, many tillers, high temperature when planting, it is necessary to top dress with more nitrogen.

Bón phân cho lúa ở giai đoạn đẻ nhánh

Fertilizing rice at the tillering stage

Stage 3: Top dressing rice for panicle emergence

This stage is applied 40-45 days after sowing. This is the important step that determines crop yield.

For rice varieties that have few tillers but large panicles, the yield depends on the number of grains per panicle, so it is necessary to focus on the panicle initiation and grain nurturing phase to create large, dense, and high yielding panicles. If enough basal fertilizer and tillering have been applied, panicle fertilization may not be applied.

Potassium fertilizer should be used to stimulate panicle emergence if we sow with a variety that has few tillers, a long-term variety, or a variety that is sparsely planted, planted in alum soil, alkaline soil, or with heavy rain.

Bón phân cho lúa ở giai đoạn bón trổ đòng

Fertilizing rice at the panicle stage

Stage 4: Grain rearing

Finally, the grain rearing stage is the time when rice plants need special care to ensure optimal grain quality and yield.

During the grain ripening stage, the rice plant's nutritional needs increase significantly. Plants need to be provided with enough potassium K2O to optimize the ripening process. Typically, the recommended fertilizer amount is about 15-20 kg per hectare. For best results, potassium fertilizer can be applied in the form of potassium sulfate or potassium chloride.

Specific fertilizers for the grain ripening stage:

  • Potassium fertilizer: Is the main ingredient that helps improve grain quality, recommended to be applied in the form of potassium sulfate or chloride.
  • Micronutrient fertilizer: In addition to potassium, calcium and magnesium are added to help strengthen the grains, reducing the rate of empty grains due to insufficient nutrition.
    Proper farming by applying fertilizers at the right time and according to the right standards will bring maximum benefits to crop yield.

Bón phân cho lúa trong giai đoạn nuôi hạt

Fertilizing rice during the seedling stage

Some notes when fertilizing rice

- The above formulas are for reference only, based on the necessary needs of the crop. When fertilizing, it is necessary to base on the soil condition, crop variety, and amount of fertilizer to fertilize appropriately. Do not let the situation of nutrient deficiency or excess occur.

- To promote the effectiveness of fertilizers, it is necessary to combine many comprehensive measures. Especially the method of reasonable soil preparation, ensuring looseness, and reasonable organic matter nourishment for the soil.

- It is necessary to add more medium and micronutrients to the crop. Combine with organic microbial fertilizers, increase soil fertility, and help increase crop yield.

The above article shares some technical processes for reasonable fertilization of rice. With those shares, I hope you will have a bountiful harvest.

VNT always accompanies you through the seasons. At VNT, we specialize in distributing genuine fertilizers at extremely attractive prices.

Contact us for enthusiastic advice and receive attractive offers.

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