For plants to grow strongly and achieve high productivity, fertilization is essential. There are many types of fertilizers, but foliar fertilizers are extremely important and indispensable for plants. So what is foliar fertilizer? What is its role in agriculture? Let's learn more about foliar fertilizers with VNT Company in the article below.
What is foliar fertilizer?
Foliar fertilizers are chemical fertilizers in powder or liquid form containing many nutrients when mixed with water and sprayed directly onto leaves or stems.
Foliar fertilizers add special nutrients, especially trace elements, to stimulate plants to grow leaves and flowers faster.
What is foliar fertilizer?
The role of foliar fertilizer
- Foliar fertilizer helps to enhance growth regulation, increase the ability to absorb nutrients to stimulate sprouting, branching, flowering, and fruiting.
- Foliar fertilizer also helps to limit the harmful effects of pests and diseases, prevent yellow leaves due to drought, the tree cannot absorb water or frost causes leaf fungus.
- Provides nutrients to help the root system develop strongly, the tree differentiates many branches, and is naturally green.
- Increases resistance to many types of pests and diseases. Especially the disease of wilting.
- Increases the ability to flower, increases the rate of fruit set, reduces the phenomenon of young fruit falling, large, beautiful fruit, good quality.
- Helps the fruit grow quickly, the seeds are large, firm, and plump, increasing the quality of the seeds.
- In addition, minerals help the nodule bacteria to be active.
- Provides macronutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and also provides medium and trace elements.
The role of foliar fertilizers for plants
What nutrients do foliar fertilizers provide to plants?
Macronutrients: Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), Potassium (K).
Secondary nutrients: Calcium (Ca), Sulfur (S), Magnesium (Mg)…
Micronutrients: Iron (Fe), Zinc (Zn), Manganese (Mn), Boron (B), Copper (Cu), Molybdenum (Mo), Chlorine (Cl)
When do plants need to use foliar fertilizers?
- The roots are still full but the plant cannot absorb nutrients. There are many causes:
+) Nutrients are immobilized by microorganisms.
+) Nutrients are fixed by the soil environment and organic matter.
+) Salinity (high EC limits the ability of roots to absorb water)
+) Effects of pH (oxidation of metals at high pH or immobilization of Mo at low pH)
+) Nutrient imbalance in soil (antagonism between ions such as K and Ca)
+) Lack of oxygen (waterlogged soil)
+) Low root activity (low temperature around the root zone during flowering and fruiting)
+) Lack of water for nutrients to penetrate (drought).
– Roots are damaged or lost due to insect, fungal attacks or mechanical damage (roots are broken by hoeing during fertilization).
– Roots still absorb but the plant needs a large amount of nutrients during flowering and fruiting. To increase plant productivity, additional foliar spraying is required.
– Foliar fertilization can also be indicated when the need to concentrate nutrients in specialized locations within the plant exceeds the ability to distribute nutrients within the plant.
Using foliar fertilization will bring high productivity and quality of agricultural products. Plants live longer, increase profits, reduce investment costs, and bring economic efficiency.
When to use foliar fertilizers
Method of using high-quality foliar fertilizers effectively
˗ When using high-quality foliar fertilizers, they must be at appropriate concentrations, suitable for the needs of the plant variety and the type of soil. The concentration of foliar fertilizers must not be too high or too low. If it is too high, the plant will easily be overfed, causing poisoning and death, and if it is too low, the effect is weak and unclear.
- Spray foliar fertilizers for each type such as flower, root, seed plants... with the dosage according to the instructions on the package.
- Spray on the leaf surface with the most stomata. Plants absorb foliar fertilizers through stomata: stomata are distributed on both the upper and lower surfaces of the leaves. ·
+) In rice: the upper surface of the leaf has a higher stomatal density than the lower surface of the leaf.
+) In corn, tomatoes, and potatoes, the upper surface of the leaf has a lower stomatal density than the lower surface of the leaf.
+) Woody plants have a large number of stomata, from 300-400, most of which are located on the underside of leaves.
+) External conditions affect the opening and closing of stomata.
+) In cloudy weather, stomata open, in strong sunlight, stomata close.
+) The soil is too dry and the stomata close.
+) Wind causes the stomata to close.
+) Temperature: 10 degrees C-30 degrees C, the stomata open, Temperatures greater than 30 degrees C, the stomata close.
Foliar Fertilizer Application Method
The right time to spray high-quality foliar fertilizer
- Spray foliar fertilizer when the stomata are open; ·
- Spray when the temperature is below 30oC, no sun, no rain, no dry wind. Foliar fertilizer is only effective when providing enough water and fertilizer through the roots.
- Spraying time: 9-10am and 2-3pm in winter. And 7-8am or 5-6pm in summer.
Notes when using high-quality foliar fertilizer
- Before spraying on the leaves, temporarily do not fertilize through the roots.
- The concentration of the sprayed substance must be higher than the concentration available in the leaves. However, the concentration must be increased from the beginning to prevent the plant from being overfed.
- Spray many times in one crop to increase efficiency.
- Dilute the fertilizer according to the correct ratio stated on the package.
High-quality foliar fertilizers should be used at appropriate times
- When the air humidity is low, the temperature is high, and the soil is severely drought-prone, foliar fertilizers should not be used because they can easily cause leaf loss.
- Do not use high-quality foliar fertilizers when the plant is flowering. When it is sunny, it will cause flowers and fruits to fall and reduce the effectiveness of the fertilizer.
- Do not spray when it is raining or sunny due to evaporation, the rate of stomata closing is high. Do not spray after rain because the plant is full of water.
- If the pump is used, avoid strong acceleration because it will cause mechanical effects on the plant.
- The product can be mixed with pesticides to save spraying costs when pests are detected (only mix them together at a dilute concentration).
- In case the plant is growing poorly, the product can be sprayed many times, each time 10-15 days apart.
- Do not confuse high-quality foliar fertilizers with growth stimulants. If there are growth stimulants in the foliar fertilizer, then this fertilizer already contains nutrients. If only using growth stimulants, additional nutrients must be added so that the plant grows in accordance with that stimulation.
VNT Company is one of the trusted addresses specializing in distributing foliar fertilizers as well as other types of fertilizers nationwide. Here, foliar fertilizer products are imported genuine, reputable quality, strictly inspected. Low price, reputable quality are always the strengths of VNT.
>> Contact or view the fertilizer catalog immediately to find the product you need right away!